“Triggered” – Why I Wish People Would Stop Misusing Terms

As a trainee therapist I was often met with negative comments about my “resilience” if I was “triggered” about particular terms – but I don’t think that is fair. As a human being I have thoughts and feelings. Just because I am a therapist, it doesn’t remove that sense of humanity.

Fight or Flight – What About The Missing 3?

“Fight or Flight” is a well known concept – the idea that we each respond to danger or trauma in a specific way. Something I’ve noticed is that many of us do not know about the final three options: Freeze Flop Fawn/Friend I wanted to discuss a little about my own experiences with this model.ContinueContinue reading “Fight or Flight – What About The Missing 3?”

Person-Centred Therapy

Person-Centred Counselling & Psychotherapy was developed in the 1940s by Carl Rogers as an alternative to more psychodynamic modalities. The focus is on the ‘person’ (the client, you) and the relationship between the client and therapist (me).